All posts by Jacqueline

Intensive Journal® Workshop – FAQs Part 1

Question Mark green w creditYour Questions Answered

If you have already attended other writing or self-growth programs, why should you attend the Intensive Journal® workshops? 

Some people attend our program because they are facing important issues in a particular area of their lives. They hope to deal with or solve these issues during the workshop.

Some individuals may feel that having attended other writing, journal writing, or personal growth programs, attending the Intensive Journal® program would not be warranted. However, the Intensive Journal® program is not like other programs; it is a very unique method for psychological growth, because of its workshop atmosphere, the structure of the Intensive Journal® workbook and the detailed steps in the individual exercises.

Individuals who are open to our approach should give our method a full chance to work to see its unique power and benefits. Our procedures will naturally feel different but being exposed to a different approach can be a positive learning experience.

How do you prepare for a workshop?

No preparation is required for our introductory (Life Context) workshop. You do not need to read or write anything. We ask that you relax and follow along with the instructions provided by our leader.

In the second module, Depth Contact, you may wish to record some dreams and imagery that you recall so that you have material to work with in completing those exercises. However, do not worry if you cannot remember any symbolic material.

For the third module, Life Integration/Journal Feedback™ process, you should have fresh material in each of the Intensive Journal® sections for the Journal Feedback™ process to have the intended effect. Otherwise, you may wish to attend the Life Context and Depth Contact workshops again or work on your own prior to attending the Life Integration module.

Can I bring a laptop computer to the workshop?

No. We believe that there is a therapeutic benefit from the physical process of recording your feelings and experiences.

The atmosphere in which you work in the Intensive Journal® method is critical. Using a computer tends to have the effect of taking you out of the deepening atmosphere and your inner process. You tend to be in a more analytical mode, which is counter to a key principle for using the Intensive Journal® method.

You may feel that you could write a good deal more on a computer. We are interested in the quality of your experience and not the quantity of material that is written.

Some people say that they could use a computer to conduct searches for relevant terms that they may have written. However, the Journal Feedback™ process of reading back and recording would be significantly affected and distorted by using a computer in this manner.

Using a computer in a workshop can distract other participants and disrupt the quiet atmosphere. The noise of even a quiet keyboard can break the sensitive atmosphere that has developed in the workshop.

The only exception to the rule of not allowing computers in the workshop is in cases where a person is physically challenged and would otherwise be unable to participate. In these instances, we recommend that the participant contact the hosting organization in advance so that suitable arrangements can be made.

Who attends Intensive Journal workshops?

Practically anyone can attend and benefit from an Intensive Journal® workshop. People of different backgrounds, interests, religious faiths and ages attend our programs.

Participants don’t have to have an “issue” or “problem;” the common factor is that they have a commitment to learn the Intensive Journal® method and apply it to their lives.

You do not have to like to write or to be a good writer. You are writing what comes to you from within. In a sense, you are a reporter on your life

The workshops are paced with breaks so that you will have enough energy to participate effectively in the program. You are not writing during the entire program. At other times, the leader provides background information on each Intensive Journal® exercise and answers questions.

Where are Intensive Journal® workshops offered?

We offer Intensive Journal® workshops throughout the United States as well as Canada, Australia and Europe. In the United States, we attempt to offer our program in most major metropolitan areas at least once a year so that the program can be affordable and accessible.

Workshops are offered at personal and spiritual growth centers, conference centers, counseling centers, and universities. We look to hold our workshops at locations that are conducive to reflection and introspection.

Shared from the Dialogue House Intensive Journal® website.

Intensive Journal® Workshop – FAQs Part 2 



Program for Teachers


Progoff Intensive Journal For Teachers

Created by Dr. Ira Progoff, a depth psychologist, the Intensive Journal® program is an integrated system using writing exercises that can help teaching professionals become more effective educators.

Learn how to work with your experiences and emotions to awareness and insights to give your life greater direction, clarity and purpose.

Intensive Journal® exercises help you overcome preconceived ways of thinking to achieve breakthroughs that were previously not possible.

At our workshops, certified leaders guide you step-by-step through the exercises with the protections of otal privacy. Our program has a 45 year history of helping over 175,000 people.

The Intensive Journal® method provides unique ways for teachers to

  • be more effective in the classroom;
  • develop themselves as teaching professionals;
  • communicate with and relate to parents, colleagues, and the community.
Practical Ways for Teacher Enrichment

The Intensive Journal® method provides teachers with a practical tool to use throughout their career to become more effective in carrying out the many facets of their profession. These benefits include:

Reflect on Your Teaching Practices

  • Apply practical methods to reflect on the quality of your teaching practices.
  • Examine your performance in a private non-judgmental environment.
  • Reflect on work related issues from various viewpoints.

Reconnect with Your Passion for Teaching

  • Reconnect with the underlying reasons that you entered the teaching profession.
  • Obtain renewed energy, vitality and sense of purpose. Discover new interests and ways to view your profession.

Foster Relationships in the Teaching Environment

  • Improve communication and interpersonal skills; become better able to listen to and relate to students, parents and administration.
  • Learn techniques to deepen understanding as a way to build bridges to colleagues, parents and community.

Stimulate Your Productivity

  • Stimulate creative and intuitive capacities — a rich source of knowledge for developing new insights.
  • Work through personal issues to allow for greater focus and enhanced relationships with students and faculty.

Develop Your Career Path

  • Gain perspectives influencing the direction and continuity of your career while developing new goals and opportunities.
  • Identify skills and interests for becoming more productive.

Reduce Stress and Prevent Burnout

  • By working through teaching related issues and personal conflicts, the professional environment becomes less stressful.
  • Resolving issues and reconnecting with your passion for teaching helps prevent burnout.

 Printable PDF


Progoff Intensive Journal® Workshop


Progoff Intensive Journal® Workshop
February 21st – 24th, 2014

Limited seating, register early and save!

Select from either a two or four day workshop and experience a life-changing process to give your life greater direction, vitality and purpose. Developed in 1966 by Dr. Ira Progoff, our nationally-recognized program has helped 175,000 people lead more fulfilling lives. Discover resources and possibilities you could not have imagined. The Intensive Journal® method can be your honest friend in the creative process of shaping your life.

How can you benefit from this method?

  • By using an integrated system of writing exercises. It’s much more than a diary.
  • Gain insights about many different areas including personal relationships, career and special interests, body and health, dreams and imagery, and meaning in life.
  • Apply fresh approaches to access your creative capacities and untapped possibilities.
  • Work in total privacy. Neither you nor anyone else will judge or analyze your life.
  • Use a method that is without dogma. The Intensive Journal® method is a process that can be used by people of all different backgrounds, interests and faiths.
  • You do not have to like to write or be a good writer. You are the only one who reads what you write.
[jbutton color=”gray” size=”large” link=”” ]Learn more and find a workshop near you.[/jbutton]



Intensive Journal® Workshops

Microcosmos Experiencing Techniques and Approaches for the Therapy Process

Learn Dr. Progoff’s process for individual growth through direct application and experience in your life. The workshops are an effective and practical way to understand the benefits of the Intensive Journal® method and obtain an experiential grounding in holistic depth psychology.

3 Core Workshops

Part I: Life Context (LC): Foundations of the Intensive Journal® Method.
Prerequisite: None. Length: 10-12 hours

  • Learn basic rules for using the Intensive Journal method and principles of holistic depth psychology that underlie the method.
  • Use Life Positioning exercises to gain a perspective on life.
  • Integrate diary techniques into the ongoing life process.
  • Apply Entrance Meditation ℠ techniques to access inner processes.
  • Utilize Progoff’s model of inner dialogue to deepen understanding of major areas of life.

Part II: Depth Contact (DC): Symbolic Images and Meaning.
Prereq. LC workshop. 10-12 hours

  • Learn additional applications of Progoff’s model of inner dialogue.
  • Apply non-analytical methods for using symbolic material.
  • Use depth techniques for connecting with inner process.
  • Recall and develop significant experiences of meaning.
  • Reappraise a meaningful event that can provide important lessons.
  • Learn advanced meditation techniques.
  • Define and organize issues to synthesize beliefs and priorities.Part III: Life Integration/Journal Feedback™ Process: Integrating the Life Process.

Part III: Life Integration/Journal Feedback™ Process: Integrating the Life Process.
Prereq: LC & DC workshops. 10-12 hours

  • Explain and define the principles for using the Journal Feedback process.
  • Use the daily log function as a tool to stimulate the Journal Feedback process.
  • Apply the  Journal Feedback process to the Life/Time Dimension.
  • Apply the  Journal Feedback process to the Dialogue Dimension.
  • Use dreams and imagery as leads to other sections using the Journal Feedback process.
  • Apply the Journal Feedback process to the Meaning Dimension.


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Implementing the Progoff™ Methodology


Process Definition MagnifierImplementing the Progoff™ Methodology Through the Intensive Journal® Method

The Intensive Journal® method, based upon Dr. Progoff’s unqiue approaches for self-development, has a solid foundation in theory and approach. Here are some of the method’s major features.

Intensive Journal® Workbook: Mirroring the Growth Process

The structure of sections and corresponding writing exercises in the Intensive Journal® workbook mirror the subjective process of perceptions and thoughts taking place inside yourself. Designed with minimal terminology, these procedures provide the means for moving directly into your inner process and drawing forth emotions and experiences to make them accessible and tangible for further development.

Journal Feedback™ Technique: An Active Dynamic Process

Through the Journal Feedback™ process, you avoid self-conscious analysis and preconceived ways of thinking to overcome blockages and foster breakthroughs. Issues are viewed from different angles to realize connections and to create integrations of awareness. Structured as an active and evocative instrument, the Intensive Journal® workbook helps you generate energy and momentum to move forward through cumulative ongoing entries.

Inner Development: Evoking Your Potential

Focusing on inner development, where the most penetrating insights are generated, the Intensive Journal® method provides you with an integrated system for dealing with issues through a direct experience in your life. Certified leaders guide you step-by-step through the method in a contemplative atmosphere.Non-judgmental and non-analytical approaches further the psyche-evoking process. You become immersed in your own growth, drawing forth your unique potential and unfolding life process.

Whole-Life Process: Greater Perspective and Safety

Progoff’s “whole-life” approach provides important benefits of perspective and safety. Greater awareness about a wide range of life experiences creates a foundation for making decisions. Issues can be viewed in a larger context and become more manageable. Using Progoff™ techniques allows for issues to develop, protecting you from premature judgments.