When we first conceived the idea of launching a news website devoted to chronic pain, we had a pretty clear goal — to be a clearinghouse of information focused on pain management and patient empowerment.
At National Pain Report, we were counseled by physicians and others who work with pain patients that there is one large group to which we need to pay special attention: women.
And we have been doing just that.
In addition to talking with experts about this topic, we’d like to go one better. We’d like to hear and publish more first person stories from women in chronic pain.
Do you have a story to tell?
Before you ask “Who would listen to me?” consider this from one of our experts who studies the issue:
“Women suffer from chronic pain more than men, it strikes women more severely, the episodes of pain are longer and of greater frequency,” said Beth Darnall, PhD, Associate Professor of Pain Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine…
Humans have been sharing stories far longer than we’ve been writing, originally told using gestures, expressions and pictures. Storytelling crosses cultural boundaries and is how we have shared our experiences, passed down history and is used to communicate, entertain, teach, inspire and connect with other human beings.
Maya Angelou says, “There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” Once you tell one story or hear a story, you are hungry for more and you never weary of this experience. Stories take us to the center of oneself and to the unexplored area of our life that can inspire transformation in our self and in others…from ALPFA Institute
As women we have a special role in storytelling, we bring compassion, strength and depth of heart to the stories we share. So, you’ve been invited to hop over to National Pain Report.com and share your story. I also invite you to share some of your story below in the comments. I’ll start with some of mine.
See on americannewsreport.com
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